Jul 30, 2013

New Custom Birthday Invitations in Our Shop!

These (and more) new, cute, and custom birthday invitations are in our shop now!  Check it out - we're always adding to this section.

Jul 26, 2013

Party Planning Tips: Become an Entertainer

If you're throwing a kids' party you know the importance of entertainment.  Keeping everyone's attention takes planning, and if you're not careful a whole lot of money.  But there's no need to splurge on expensive activities when kids are just as entertained with creative cost effective solutions.

Here are a few suggestions on how to entertain on a budget:

Become a clown.  Not really though.  But go to a second hand store, buy some crazy clothes and learn how to face paint.  In my experience kids don't really care if the face painting is expertly done, it's fun even when the designs are indescernable.

Bribe your neighbors into helping.  Is the guy next door good with kids?  Have him come and lead the kids in a game of kickball in exchange for some great cupcakes.  Or set up an obstacle course out of cheap hula hoops and chairs, and give that great neighbor of yours a whistle.  The kids will love it.

Utilize the dollar store.  There should be no need to explain this.  Unless you've never been to the dollar store, in which case, go there now.

Garbage can be fun too.  Reusing things like 2 liter pop bottles and cardboard boxes can be a dream come true for kids and your wallet.  And you can do cool stuff like this:

Pop bottle sprinkler.

Or this:

Bottle bowling.

Or this:

Cardboard party with a train, rocket, airplane, and more.

And what kid wouldn't have fun with any of those cheap party ideas?  I certainly can't think of any.